Accelerate time to value with our global partner ecosystem


In today’s hyper connected business world, innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. And you can’t create new value inside old silos. Our clients drive ambitious business transformation and innovation projects within complex ecosystems.

With our global network of business partners, tech providers, and industry collaborators, Zühlke is ideally positioned to connect the people, platforms, data, and resources you need to drive early and ongoing impact against your goals.

Whether you’re looking to improve enterprise agility or bring an innovation to life, our multidisciplinary teams and proven partners enable you to turn your biggest opportunities into ongoing value.

Drive early and ongoing impact with our strategic partners

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Become data-driven with AWS

Combine digital innovation, data, and cloud technologies to develop a modern, robust, and scalable IT infrastructure with AWS.
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Innovate smarter with Microsoft

Build user-friendly applications that generate sustained business value and accelerate your digital transformation journey with Microsoft.
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Accelerate time to value with Mendix

Empower your business teams to create enterprise software – quickly and seamlessly – with Mendix, a Gartner approved leader in low-code platforms.

Leverage our extensive partner network

Sensirion Connected Solutions AG Solution by Zühlke

Microsoft partnership enables the energy sector to cut methane emissions

Together with Zühlke and Microsoft, Sensirion Connected Solutions AG developed a continuous methane emissions monitoring solution. This solution is enabling energy companies around the world to minimise methane emissions, efficiently and sustainably.

AWS collaboration enables the UK to scale its COVID-19 app to 22+ million users

The NHS COVID-19 app demonstrates the value of collaborating with tech partners and diverse ecosystem players. With the help of our strategic partner Amazon, we built a powerful cloud-based infrastructure that was essential for rapidly scaling the app to serve 22+ million users.

Tanja Breitling-Zboril, Head of Partner Networks, Zühlke
Contact person for Switzerland

Tanja Breitling-Zboril

Head of Partner Networks

Tanja Breitling-Zboril is passionate about building reliable and committed partnerships that create value for clients by aligning the best people, technologies, and methodologies. If you see a valuable addition to our partner network, please reach out to Tanja.

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