Medical Device and Healthcare

An extra layer of muscles

Zühlke and MyoSwiss have together developed a functional model of an extra layer of muscles for better mobility.

  • The start-up company MyoSwiss is keen to help people with muscle weakness.

  • The Zurich-based company is developing a suit that will make walking and standing up easier.

  • Zühlke coaches young entrepreneurs in the development of the Myosuit and provides them with core expertise.

Zühlke Case Study - MyoSwiss

Solutions that people can wear in their everyday lifes

Expertise from various disciplines

The Myosuit combines different components that have to work together smoothly. This is because any delay in the system can cause the person wearing the Myosuit to fall over. About a dozen specialists are part of the Zühlke project team. Together with MyoSwiss, they ensure that the various subsystems are perfectly coordinated. Together with Zühlke, MyoSwiss developed a functional model for field tests. 

The Zühlke team also includes specialists in medical processes. We support the start-up in complying with the regulatory requirements that apply in medical technology. We show the people at MyoSwiss how to find simple solutions for their project.

MyoSwiss suit

Long-term coaching

The situation is similar for project management and systems architecture. It is precisely in these areas that Zühlke provides close support to the start-up company, since the university graduates bring extensive knowledge with them but have little experience in the development of commercial products. That is why we attach great importance to realistic project planning and to developing a suitable solution in collaboration with MyoSwiss.

The first project phase lasted one year. During this time, the start-up developed a prototype from the initial functional model with the support of Zühlke. MyoSwiss is currently testing the Myosuit in hospitals to finalise the user requirements for the suit. The project will then move on to the next round. Zühlke will continue to support the entrepreneurs to make the suit market-ready step by step.