Radical Innovation Study

Radical innovation: go small or go home

Personal interviews have shown exactly why companies fail when it comes to radical projects and how things could be done better.

  • This study involved personal interviews with over 150 C-level executives from 75 industrial international, large and medium-sized businesses.
  • It will help you to learn more about the clear factors for success and innovation blockers.
  • We analyse the underlying dynamics we determined to be the cause of those effects and the requirements for a systematic solution to this significant challenge.

Is radical innovation even necesary?

More than 90% of the interviewees believe there is urgent need for radical innovation in light of the future competition landscape.

What causes companies to fail?

Over 80% of the companies surveyed struggle with the very same things. So, what are the most common blockers of innovation?

Projects are impeded by decision-makers lack of understanding, unrealistic expectations and inappropriate KPIs.

Meetings and processes in place of decision-making and trust paralyse radical innovation initiatives.

Failure to focus on the buyer and poor prioritisation result in poor product-market fit.

The existing sales team is not the right fit for the new solution and does not know how to sell it.

Enterprises fail to set up the organisational structures needed for scaling up.

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