Zühlke AWS IoT Core Smart Connected Solutions

The end-to-end IoT solution from AWS and Zühlke
Zühlke AWS IoT Core Smart Connected Solutions enable you to easily and reliably connect, manage and scale your devices. You will enjoy secure connections for your devices as well as data connections through mutual authentication and end-to-end encryption based on your preferred communication protocol. Filter, transfer and process device data on the fly based on your custom specifications.

Benefits at a glance:
•    Cut costs by using a fast and ready-to-use solution
•    Create new and bespoke digital business models
•    Enjoy faster development and shorter implementation times
•    Draw on expertise and advanced interdisciplinary development from the initial idea to the finished solution
•    Trusted system based on the shared expertise of AWS and Zühlke

AWS IoT Core and Zühlke: added value through simple networking

Together, we have created a solution that brings customers real digital added value. We first identify customers’ actual problems by using creative techniques and business case modelling. Based on this analysis, we then use a proof-of-value method to ensure the final product is feasible and provides true customer value. With our partner AWS (Amazon Web Services), we then lay the foundation on which custom-fit solutions can be based. Finally, using AWS IoT Core, we securely and simply connect your devices to the AWS cloud, enabling you to enjoy a unique user experience.

Together with our clients, we answer questions such as ‘How are my products used?’, ‘What new ideas can I develop using data and AI?’ and ‘How can I create unique products in the context of digitalisation?’ New digital opportunities and value-generating use cases are created alongside emerging data, such as resource planning for machines and plants, service optimisation, remote management, increasing OEE or predictive maintenance – just to name a few.


Smart IoT Connected Solutions – our offering

•    Vision & Scope: sharpen and prioritise ideas and set up a roadmap
•    Connectivity & Data Platform: set up edge device, collect and store data in the platform and a data lake
•    Software development & Go Live: design architecture blueprint and develop applications 
•    Data-Driven Organisation: step-by-step expansion of the solution for further use cases

Contact us today to create your bespoke end-to-end solution using the Internet of Things. We will quickly and easily guide you towards your customised Smart Connected Solution.  

Contact person for United Kingdom

Brewster Barclay

Business Development Director

Brewster Barclay has a long history developing and selling innovative software and hardware solutions in the electronics and Internet industries, including running a start-up for 6 years. He is dedicated to helping customers create innovative solutions in healthcare and has shown this outside of his Zühlke responsibilities in his frequent mentoring of e-health and medtech startups.

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