2 minutes to read With insights from... Peter Güntzer Director Data & AI Consulting, Partner peter.guentzer@zuehlke.com Artificial Intelligence (AI) and generative AI (GenAI) are driving profound changes in manufacturing and the industrial sector. The technology is already enhancing manufacturing processes and is set to transform the entire industry. But, as Gartner® report 'Defining AI and Setting Realistic Expectations' proclaims, 'superheated rhetoric surrounding the potential benefits of artificial intelligence is inflating related expectations […] and many enterprises are struggling to put a realistic value on an important source of innovation and differentiation'. As there is still so much to uncover about how AI can be used to create ongoing business value, leaders tend to overestimate the impact and underestimate the complexity of AI. To avoid costly project failures, executives need to manage expectations within their organisation. Our continually expanding use case library offers an overview of key use cases for data and AI to help you create real impact across the entire value chain. It outlines the risks and opportunities associated with AI and sets out practical use cases for your AI transformation journey. Want to dive deeper? Fill in the form and explore the entire overview of beneficial AI use case along the industrial value chain:
Government & public sector – A Sparkle of Build-Automation to Aid Data-driven Decisions at British Red Cross Learn more