
Capture the true value of digital transformation in manufacturing

The industrial sector faces a formidable task: maintaining and maximising profitability amid a perfect storm of supply chain disruption, regulatory shifts, and rising costs.

At the same time, manufacturers need to invest in their future, embedding new technologies and sustainable practices at their core. This is essential for unlocking digital models and value propositions that enable long-term growth. And for serving the changing needs of markets, partners, and end users.

Integrating technology, strategy, and deep domain expertise, our teams are uniquely positioned to accelerate your digital transformation. And rewire your manufacturing organisation for a future where profitability goes hand-in-hand with sustainability.

Industrial Sector
Birdseye picture of a man on a construction site climbing up a metal ladder in a hard hat and high-vis jacket.

A five-step guide to circularity in the industrial sector

Circularity is becoming a critical factor for the future of business and society. Discover how manufacturing companies can realise circularity to create new business value.

Dominik Niederberger, Research & Development Director, Sensirion Connected Solutions AG
' Zühlke's software and cloud expertise was instrumental in helping us realise our vision of a more sustainable future. '
Dominik Niederberger
Research & Development Director, Sensirion Connected Solutions AG

Run your current world smarter and adapt for the future of manufacturing

Accelerate time to value and adapt for the future of manufacturing with Zühlke. We help you embed new technologies at the core of your industrial sector organisation, unlocking the models, processes, and products you need to deliver sustainable growth.

  • Industrial innovation

    Embrace the power of strategic innovation to stay ahead in the competitive manufacturing landscape. We empower you to make data-driven decisions and accelerate your go-to-market strategies. From ideation to implementation, we guide you through the innovation and transformation process, ensuring an optimised product-market fit.

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  • Device-driven innovation

    Elevate your product line and transform your ideas into next-generation devices. Our teams guide you from initial concept through to mass production, ensuring a customer-centric product. Our approach emphasises value engineering and multidisciplinary expertise in mechanics, optics, electronics, and more.

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  • Smart connected solutions

    Unlock the potential of smart connectivity with innovative smart connected solutions. We provide end-to-end support, from device to cloud, ensuring your solutions are secure, compliant, and capable of generating ongoing value.

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  • Digital service innovation

    Transform your customer journey and explore new business opportunities with digital service innovation.

    From digital service engineering to scaling and enhancing user experiences, we support every aspect of digital service implementation.

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Industrial innovation

Transform your ideas into tangible outcomes and secure your position as an industry leader with our comprehensive support.

Our multidisciplinary teams guide you through incremental and radical innovation initiatives with our blended expertise. Together, we help you master challenges such as market evolution and knowledge gaps.  

Our expertise covers: 

Discover how we helped Taxomex reinvent a classic product:

Digitalparking Parkuhr

Device-driven innovation

Overcome the challenges of evolving technology and complex development processes with our strategic guidance, ensuring your devices meet the highest standards of innovation and market relevance. 

"As a technical innovation service provider, Zühlke has significantly accelerated the development of our smoke sensor for specialised fire systems. Their expertise and tailored solutions have made a crucial contribution to our successful launch of an advanced and reliable product in the market."

– Tobias Krämer, Head of E SGF BMS Hekatron GmbH

Our expertise covers:

Discover how we created value for Konux:

Railway with sensors

Smart connected solutions

Whether it's through IIoT integration, data analytics, or cybersecurity, our expertise helps you navigate the complexities of connected technologies.

Overcome innovation blockers and legacy business models by leveraging our market-tested methods, paving the way for enhanced product functionality and new service offerings.

Our expertise covers:

Learn how we helped Sensirion to create a sustainable future:

oil gas fracking rig nubo

Digital service innovation

Tackle the challenges of global competition and the transition to digital with our multidisciplinary technical assistance. Our tailored approaches ensure your digital services align with your business goals, driving innovation, differentiation, and sustained growth.

Our expertise covers:

Guitar with zühlke logo

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Let's tackle your industrial sector challenges together!

Meet our industrial sector leaders

  • ""

    Mario Schmuziger

    Regional Managing Director ICP EMEA & Member of the Regional Executive Team & Partner

  • Andreas Pfleger

    Andreas Pfleger

    Managing Director ICP, Austria


    Andreas Pfleger combines his knowledge of industry and IT to ensure solution-oriented business development in the manufacturing and machinery sectors. He is Zühlke Austria’s Head of Industry and Consumer Products. Motivated by a passion for industrial digital transformation, he focuses his efforts on driving the potential of Austrian industry forward. As a senior project manager, he has managed national and international onsite, nearshore, and offshore software development projects in various sectors.

  • Jörg Sitte

    Jörg Sitte

    Director Business Development, Germany


    As Director Business Development, Jörg Sitte is responsible for business development in the mechanical/plant engineering and MedTech sectors in Southern Germany. He is intensively involved in IoT and digitalisation projects as well as all the disciplines required for these projects, such as software (embedded, cloud and apps), electronics, sensor technology and mechanics/construction. He is convinced that the competitiveness of companies is increasingly determined by a successful digitalisation strategy. 

  • Rolf Hoepli, Director Business Development

    Rolf Höpli

    Director Business Development, Switzerland


    Rolf Höpli is Partner of the Zühlke Group. He is responsible for the business development in the Swiss industrial sector. Based on his educations in machine manufacturing and computer science he has always felt fascinated by the infinite possibilities of the combination of clever software and ingenious machines. Rolf Höpli focuses on the transformation of customer experience, interdisciplinary product innovation and monetization of data science use cases. He passes on his experience as a speaker (MEM congresses) and lecturer (FFHS & BFH).