Academy Writing Good Tests with JUnit D10237 Get to grips with JUnit: after this course, you’ll be able to write simple, efficient tests that are easy to understand and maintain. Subjects that will be discussed: Plenty of practical exercises The key testing tools Tips and tricks for efficient tests Course Duration2 daysCourse OverviewYou will learn skills like adjusting untested legacy code so that it can be tested; this reduces the risk of undesirable changes when you add new features.Course TopicsWriting meaningful and easy-to-understand testsWriting code that is easy to testUsing expressive assertions with Hamcrest and AssertJTesting classes with dependencies using Mockito mocks and stubsChecking test cases with code coverage in the IDEThe latest features of JUnit 5Numerous practical exercises on all topics coveredTarget GroupsDevelopers with practical experience who are familiar with Java and an IDE. Ask for a corporate course Get a free offer for a corporate training, tailored to your needs. Ask for a course Show interest in a public course Contact us if you are interested in a public course. Show interest