Industrial Sector

Cloud solution for air quality monitoring

  • Combination of a physical product and a data-platform solution

  • Sensirion benefits from Zühlke’s expertise in Microsoft Azure

  • Short time-to-market thanks to the MVP approach and agile development with scrum

Sensirion is integrating a data service into a new product for air quality monitoring. Within a few months, Zühlke develops a corresponding cloud solution based on Microsoft Azure.

Expansion into the cloud

Sensirion wants to launch a new product which, in addition to a device for air quality monitoring, will also include a service for onboarding the devices and for data collection, processing, and delivery. This product requires a cloud solution to be developed within a fixed budget and a time horizon of just five months. Faced with this challenge, Sensirion turns to Zühlke.

Flexibility with the cloud and scrum

For the development, Zühlke relies on scrum and rapid prioritisation by the product owner. They produce prototypes and demos early on to gain initial feedback, which they apply directly to the ongoing development. A consistent MVP approach means that only those features required for successful market launch are developed. The cloud-first approach also allows the platform to grow in line with needs and expectations, without limiting them.

Dominik Niederberger, Research & Development Director, Sensirion Connected Solutions AG
' Zühlke’s pragmatic and goal-oriented approach helped us bring a new complete solution to market within a very short time. '
Dominik Niederberger
Research & Development Director, Sensirion Connected Solutions AG

Speed and cost-effectiveness

Zühlke’s expertise in Microsoft Azure means that existing services can be used to build an IoT solution in the shortest possible time. This solution is not only scalable, it can also be operated in a resource-efficient and cost-effective way in the early product phase. Sensirion successfully combines a physical product for air quality monitoring with a corresponding data platform solution, thus expanding its digital offering for end customers.