
Claims management: greater efficiency

Together with Zühlke, Suva is redesigning its processes to reduce its internal workload and increase customer satisfaction.

Registration & Claims management

Suva’s current processes for registration and claims management aren’t ideal and have a high drop-out rate. This leads to complaints from policyholders, additional support tickets and more calls to customer services. This in turn causes higher costs and dissatisfaction for internal and external stakeholders. Suva is looking for ways to improve its processes and has turned to Zühlke for help.

Usability and prototyping

Zühlke is assisting Suva in the areas of usability and prototyping. Building on a jointly developed target process, Zühlke implemented a prototype that takes all applicable guidelines into account. This allows the two companies to implement and test the concept within a short space of time. They are trying out the new process with a number of accident claimants representing the end users, in a usability test that collects input and feedback. This is then incorporated into the ongoing development of the prototype.

a step of the customer journey of the new claims management tool An excerpt from the intuitive questionnaire

Customer-centric approach result

The consistent customer-centric approach of this new process results in demonstrably fewer drop-outs. Thanks to the intuitive user design, there are fewer questions from claimants, which means that claims can be completed more quickly. The process also significantly reduces the number of complaints, support tickets and calls to customer services. Working with Zühlke, Suva has succeeded in improving its internal efficiency and customer journey to ultimately increase customer satisfaction.

Contact person for Switzerland

Markus Reding

Managing Director Insurance Switzerland & Partner

Markus Reding leads the Market Unit Insurance at Zühlke in Switzerland. For more than 20 years he is responsible for innovation, strategy, product management, software engineering, and business development in various leadership positions and has practical experience from numerous digitisation projects. Meeting the challenges and market trends in the insurance industry with innovative solutions is what drives him.

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