People are ready for digital health. Are you?

We asked 3,200 participants about their thoughts, attitudes and behaviours surrounding digital health. Learn more about delivering impactful digital health solutions with our key insights.

If you are interested in the full study results, you can download the reports here:

Our key insights are:

People want to manage their own health

... but they seem to lack resources they can trust.

There is a vast amounts of health-related data out there

... and people are willing to share it.

People expect digital health services to be free

... so the healthcare industry must get creative to monetise new solutions.

People want to feel empowered to make health decisions... 

Mature sportsman stretching on the beach after a run.
...but seem to lack resources they can trust.

Knowledge is power, and today, people want the power to make the right health decisions. This growing public health literacy is particularly prevalent among younger generations. But the responses suggest a lack of digital resources that provide trustworthy, evidence-based information. There is a mismatch between whom people trust to provide health knowledge and who is actually providing it.

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Overall, 58% of all respondents indicated they would like to improve their health situation. The largest proportion came from younger people (age) where 74% of participants felt that they would like to live healthier lives than they currently do. This reflects the overall trend of younger people being more likely to become engaged, proactive and empowered in their personal health journey.

So, what should health leaders do?

Take a human-centric, holistic perspective on digital health management and embrace ecosystem innovation.

Health literacy is rising, and people are increasingly managing their own well-being. They want digital resources that support them on this journey. To provide the added value and information people need, firms should collaborate with people’s trusted health information sources – healthcare providers and health insurance companies.

Happy Man carrying cheerful daughter on shoulders
  • Take a human-centric perspective

    To support people in taking a more proactive approach to their own well-being, companies have to take a new perspective on health. Consider people’s journey from end to end – especially with personal health management and prevention. A holistic, human-centric approach will provide personalised guidance aided by digital tools that empower patients with the right information at each stage of their journey.

    These new digital health services should anticipate people’s needs, not react to them. Partnering prevention programmes with online health practitioners will lead to better outcomes in the long term. The potential rewards for health leaders include increased revenue and a prominent position in the future health ecosystem. Catering for each step of the journey will bring companies closer to people in the long run, even before they might become patients.


There are vast amounts of health-related data out there...

Portrait of a confident woman with friends on urban soccer field
...and people are willing to share it.

People are increasingly tracking many aspects of their health – from movement metrics to sleep patterns. More than half of respondents use activity apps and cite benefits including more movement and better motivation. They are becoming more and more aware of the value of their data – and they’re willing to share it in the right circumstances.

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Once again, young people show the most enthusiasm for taking ownership of their health. While 55% of all respondents monitor their health in some way, 71% of under 40-year-olds are already tracking various wellness metrics. This massive amount of data is potentially insightful but mostly remains siloed, non-standardised and unused in the current health ecosystem.

So, what should health leaders do?

Become a data and AI pioneer:
Users, particularly from younger generations, are becoming more aware of the power of health data. But they also know how valuable it is to third parties – and need to trust that it is managed well. Data and AI pioneers should consider leveraging this power to deliver added value.

  • Follow a clear data strategy that puts people first

    There is an ever-increasing amount of health data out there. But that does not mean that companies can access this easily or that the data is useful. In this situation, companies should focus on the added value for the users. They should think about what data they would need to provide such added value – and how they can use the available data to achieve it. 

    Health leaders need to become experts in handling and managing the growing amount of health data available. Manufacturers should determine what kind of real-world data can be generated for machine learning, AI and advanced analytics – then identify how it can benefit patients. 

    Personalised data isn’t always necessary to gain deep and meaningful insights. But if it is, data protection is mandatory. Data strategies must be transparent about using personal information for AI in healthcare, so companies should communicate clearly why and how they are using it and what people get in return. In the near future, blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies may provide a solution for managing consent levels.


People expect digital health services to be free...

Portrait of woman with senior mother resting after exercise outdoors. companies must get creative with their business models.

People are looking for more information and new services – but they expect these digital health resources to be free. Even with younger generations being more willing to pay for digital health services in the right circumstances, health leaders must provide genuine added value and communicate it effectively to monetise digital health services.

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Most respondents said they would not pay for a health app. However, this value is reduced to 34% if we look at the under-40s – so there is an opportunity for direct-to-consumer solutions. 

So, what should health leaders do?

Identify a business model for digital health:
Monetising digital health services is an ongoing challenge. Our survey shows that most people will not consider subscribing to a paid health app, for example. However, most would use an app paid for by a healthcare provider. Health leaders should look at creative and unique ways to achieve a positive ROI for their digital health services.

  • Focus on the added value in direct-to-consumer solutions

    Even if people expect new solutions to be free, it’s not impossible to establish affiliate programmes, commission fees or subscription models for digital health solutions. However, to do so, these solutions must provide added value to the customers that they don’t get for free – and it is essential to communicate this added value clearly. In addition, companies should accept that there may be a narrow target market.

About the Digital Health Study 2023

  • The respondents were representative of the general population in each country.
  • Our questions aimed to learn what patients want, their experience of healthcare and digital health services to date, and what they want in the future.
  • The ‘Zühlke Health Study 2023’ took place online in April and May 2023, with all respondents aged over 18.
  • The study consulted 3,200 Participants:
    • Austria: 600 participants
    • Switzerland: 600 participants
    • Germany: 1,000 participants
    • UK: 1,000 participants
two employees working on a screen on data
Download the study results here
Contact person for Germany

Jürgen Pronebner

Regional Managing Director Health Industry, EMEA & Partner

As one of the first employees at Zühlke Germany, Jürgen Pronebner has helped to shape the Zühlke journey. Currently he acts as Regional Managing Director Health Industry, EMEA. He is a Member of the Zühlke Ventures Advisory Board and a long-time Partner in the Zühlke Group.

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Contact person for Switzerland

Daniel Wilhelm

Managing Director Health Switzerland

Daniel Wilhelm is a Managing Director Health Switzerland at Zühlke. His responsibility comprises sales and engagement management to deliver innovative products and services for the Health Tech industry. He is passionate to combine expertise in business and technology with a solution-oriented mindset to empower project teams and delight customers.

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Contact person for United Kingdom

Kevin Murray

Managing Director Public Sector & Health UK
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Contact person for Singapore

Jim Lim

Managing Director Health Singapore

With more than 25 years of ICT industry experience, Jim brings a wealth of experience providing business and strategic advice to clients regionally. Having held various leadership positions across enterprises, Jim was also the founding CEO of Good Doctor Technology. Jim has worked with clients across multiple industry verticals, including healthcare and pharmaceutical. As Head of Health Industry Singapore, Jim will expand Zühlke’s healthcare expertise and offerings to healthcare and pharmaceutical companies in Singapore. 

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