
Optimise logistics with our transportation consulting services

Whether it's a question of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) or of seamlessly integrated mobility chains, the upheaval in the transportation and mobility sector is already here. Zühlke supports you in applying and deploying innovative solutions so that you can make a seamless transition to this new world of mobility.

Let’s tackle your challenges together.

  • Finding your place in future mobility ecosystems

    The transportation of goods and people is undergoing rapid disruption. New technologies and services, socio-economic trends, and differing demographic needs are transforming mobility. New technology promises faster, safer, cheaper, and personalised mobility. Yet effective implementation requires the seamless integration of mobility chains, which presents a challenge to your old infrastructure.

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  • End-to-end travel experiences with mobility-as-a-service offerings

    To meet new customer demands, you need to deliver new experiences across the whole value chain - everything from seamless multimodal travel, to pay-as-you-go payment to integrated insurance. Meanwhile time, convenience, and cost remain key factors to differentiate your business. However, these new services all require the safe collection, management, and sharing of data.

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  • Leveraging strategic technologies to optimise fleet management

    There’s a mounting pressure for services to be not just punctual and safe, but also improving your efficiency, financial performance, and environmental footprint at the same time.

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  • From a vehicle-centric to data-driven business models

    The world of operations is challenging, from your short-term cost reduction measures and long-term strategic initiatives to the digital transformation of your operation. Sometimes you’re left with no choice but to reinvent your entire business – in order to find your place in the travel ecosystems of the future.

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Finding your place in future mobility ecosystems

As a provider in today’s climate, you face many demands, from secure and sustainable mobility to greater travel convenience. If you’re unsure about how to leverage technology to optimise operations and improve the customer journey, then we can help you. 

At Zühlke, we put your needs first, embracing the new passenger-centred mobility paradigm. We’ll help you build a sustainable market position by navigating technology trends such as 5G networks, extended reality, IoT and sensor technology, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence.

End-to-end travel experiences with mobility-as-a-service offerings

To keep pace, you may need to change your business model to find a place in a complex new ecosystem. Mobile-ticketing platforms and automated fare collection systems are no longer just ‘nice to have', but a requirement for many travellers. 

Zühlke can help you develop business opportunities based on mobility-as-a-service (MAAS) solutions. We provide expertise in areas such as data science, data security, cloud computing, and platform development. And crucially, we’ll assist you in navigating and managing the complexity surrounding data and multiple partners.

Leveraging strategic technologies to optimise fleet management

New technologies such as data analytics, machine learning, virtual reality, blockchain, sensor technology, and IoT open up new possibilities for managing and optimising your asset and operation performance. So, jobs like digital fleet inspection, automatised damage detection, and digital fleet control are essential for fleet management services.

At Zühlke, we can help advance your analytics and improve your digital systems, so you can move towards preventive and predictive maintenance solutions. Drawing on our software and hardware development expertise in regulated environments, we help you improve the safety of your passengers and workers, and manage your fleets in real-time. 

We combine human and artificial intelligence to optimise your systems, processes and operations.

From a vehicle-centric to data-driven business models

Data helps you make better decisions, while AI and machine learning accelerate your processes and increase customer focus. But the technology’s greatest promise is its potential to develop radically new products and services. 

Zühlke can help you learn how to leverage the right technologies and seamlessly transition between on-demand, private, and public transport services.

We’ll enable you to transition to a passenger-centric paradigm. And, we’ll identify and create digital solutions that help you join mobility ecosystems.

Thomas Diggelmann, Zühlke
Contact person for Switzerland

Thomas Diggelmann

Regional Director Zühlke Bern

Thomas Diggelmann is responsible for the Bern / Espace Mittelland market area of Zühlke Switzerland. He also co-leads the Bern location with over 80 employees. In his daily work, he advises, accompanies, and supports leading Bern companies in the areas of digitalization and transformation. In doing so, Thomas Diggelmann can draw on several years of experience from challenging strategic change and innovation project management. He holds a degree in Business Administration with a Master in Business Development and an Executive MBA HSG in Business Engineering.

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Andreas Pfleger
Contact person for Austria

Andreas Pfleger

Managing Director ICP, Austria

Andreas Pfleger combines his knowledge of industry and IT to ensure solution-oriented business development in the manufacturing and machinery sectors. He is Zühlke Austria’s Head of Industry and Consumer Products. Motivated by a passion for industrial digital transformation, he focuses his efforts on driving the potential of Austrian industry forward. As a senior project manager, he has managed national and international onsite, nearshore, and offshore software development projects in various sectors.

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Philipp Harrschar Zühlke
Contact person for Germany

Philipp Harrschar

Executive Director Business Development

Philipp Harrschar is Executive Director Business Development and Partner of the Zühlke Group. He has been with Zühlke since 2011 and provides strategic advice and support to clients in innovation and digitalisation projects. His focus is on cross-sector innovation patterns and the use of key technologies. 

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Jonathan Cook Zühlke
Contact person for United Kingdom

Jonathan Cook

Director Business Development

Jonathan Cook has 25 years' experience working for systems integrators, telecommunications, and engineering companies. He has pioneered better ways of providing engineering services, including Agile delivery, Lean user experience, and data science and data engineering. With a focus on practical innovation, he has a track record helping to implement new business models to decarbonise the energy and transport sectors.

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