Quality Assurance careers

A career in QA at Zühlke means working at the centre of our technology projects, which drive unparalleled innovations.

Quality Assurance isn’t just about surfacing problems. At Zühlke, QAs are part of our development team, rather than at the edge of projects. You’re side-by-side with developers and embedded with clients from the very beginning to create meaningful solutions that last.

We’re proud of our open culture, where everyone is treated with the same level of respect and welcomes constructive feedback, whatever part of your QA career you’re at: whether you’re a Quality Assurance Advanced, Expert, Lead or Principal Engineer. You’ll be part of a team that drives innovation and engineering from your very first day.

Want a career in Quality Assurance that drives global transformation?

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A female portrait in an office setting
' Quality Assurance is a career that involves a lot of curiosity and exploring, so it’s best for people who are open-minded and eager to learn new things. It’s absolutely not true that we’re just sitting there testing all day. It’s anything but boring. '
Olga Zemtcova
QA Engineer

Working in Quality Assurance at Zühlke

Our QA team are experts at identifying the landscape of change. We don’t see one tweak in isolation, but rather have a holistic knowledge of products and systems, and the impact that every stage of development will have on the end user experience. We build in quality, rather than wait for problems to arise, and are advocates for our clients and their end users, thinking ahead to the requirements of a solution.

We’ve helped a public health and social care division to design an app which allowed members of the public to be notified of potential exposures to Coronavirus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We’ve helped a telecommunications provider generate end-to-end value, increase the selfcare share in customer interactions and inspire stakeholders.

Autonomy and flexibility at Zühlke are encouraged, but our QAs also pair with developers to collaborate on technology projects. We’re there from the ground up: preventing issues, planning sessions, and aligning with other teams. 

Quality Assurance roles and responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of quality assurance in the world of software are hugely varied and require a chameleon-type approach.

There’s plenty of focus and exploratory time to learn as much as possible about the products we’re working on at the beginning of a project sprint, but there are also daily opportunities to collaborate with the team. This can range from coming up with test strategy, checking bugs are fixed, and sharing learnings, as well as getting involved in product demonstrations. 

One of the key roles and responsibilities of a QA Consultant is to be able to adapt to not only the client’s needs and culture, but also the whole team’s. 

A man standing leaning on a standing desk in the office

We’re embedded with our client’s projects from the start: agreeing ways of working, connecting with their testers and providing coaching, for example on moving from Waterfall to Agile, so that everyone is on the same journey. 

It means we provide a level of continuity after we leave the project. We aim to lead by example, leveraging our expertise to future-proof, scalable projects using new tools, and experimenting with new concepts and frameworks. To strengthen our clients’ capabilities, we also organise specialised training sessions focused on quality assurance best practices, test automation and agile testing principles.

But we’re also constantly observing, sharing and learning from each other.

A smiling woman portrait in an office setting
' Being a QA at Zühlke means you don’t pigeonhole yourself. Curiosity is not just limited to how testing works. We’ve got such a skillset that comes from analysis and looking at trends, and that can easily be transferred to other areas, such as looking at pipeline failures. People might traditionally think of that as a developer task. But curiosity is curiosity, and at Zühlke there’s huge scope to put yourself forward for different opportunities. '
Elizabeth McCann
Lead QA Engineer

Quality Assurance career path

There’s a traditional QA career path at Zühlke, but we don’t expect everyone to stick to it. We’ll work with you to develop your expertise in the way you choose.

You can also move among disciplines, for example from QA to BA, and software engineers sometimes move into the QA team. You can also take the QA career path and combine expertise from BA or development, so you can grow in any direction, wherever you feel comfortable and where you want to focus your growth.

Whichever path you choose, you’ll be in a dynamic environment that offers autonomy, flexibility and collaboration, and you’ll be among like-minded curious people who are passionate about making a positive impact.

Below we explore more about the QA career path opportunities we offer.

  • Quality Assurance Engineer careers

    Career growth in quality assurance can follow a typically linear path, from professional QA, advanced QA, expert QA, lead QA to principal QA. But it can also be a little bit different.

    Read more
  • QA consultant careers

    A QA Consultant provides strategic guidance and expertise to improve an organization's or product value stream’s quality assurance processes.

    Read more
  • What does career growth mean at Zühlke?

    The Zühlke Growth Mindset refers to a consistent willingness to gather more know-how. This means everyone is coming into contact with different approaches and roles.

    Changes between career paths are no exception and part of our culture to foster talent in yet unknown areas.

Quality Assurance Engineer careers

Career growth in quality assurance can follow a typically linear path, from professional QA, advanced QA, expert QA, lead QA to principal QA. But it can also be a little bit different.

A career path for a QA Engineer typically starts with entry-level positions and progresses through various stages of expertise and responsibility. The main focus is a hands-on contribution to ensure quality within development teams. This includes but is not limited to test design, planning, execution, automation and guiding teams to implement the test strategy.

QA consultant careers

A QA Consultant provides strategic guidance and expertise to improve an organization's or product value stream’s quality assurance processes. Key focus areas include: Process improvement, best practices, training and mentorship, risk management, stakeholder communication and toll selections and implementation.

In addition to consulting on client projects, consultants support bid and pre-sales activities, as well as generating leads through their personal network.

A portrait of a young man in glasses in the office setting
' I gain a huge amount of new experience with every project I work on at Zühlke. I learn new things every day. '
Michal Ludwiczak
Expert QA Engineer

Quality Assurance trends

Keeping up with Quality Assurance trends is a core part of the QA team’s role, and at Zühlke we support every QA team member to stay at the forefront of QA trends and incorporate new tools and approaches into their role.

Our QA team meetings offer a great opportunity to present, share knowledge and ask questions about our discipline. We also regularly join industry conferences as a team and offer internal learning resources to dive deeper into our expertise.

We support everyone to learn continuously. If there’s a certification program you think would benefit your career, you’ll have the time and encouragement to follow the path you choose. Zühlke will invest in your certification journey and align it with your development plan. While certifications are important, we also believe in diving deep into practical experiences. It’s the only way you’ll see QA's real-world impact.

Zühlke always needs professionals with a passion for technology, strategy, and client relationships. Have a look if there are any open roles in QA space.

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